Monday, August 18, 2008

The Look of post Vatican II, post 1969 (Novus Ordo) or New Order churches

Now look at pictures of Catholic Churches as they appear today in all parish churches. This type of deformation has taken place at all parish churches which have been subjected to demolition and remodeling since Vatican Council II. Notice that the tabernacle is totally gone from the "sanctuaries" of the churches. Notice the two forms of the "presider's chair to the back left of the Novus Ordo, where a man sits in the place of prominence, instead of Christ in the tabernacle. Notice that in some churches, the crucifix is also gone.Scroll back up and compare the "post-Vatican II" New Churches below, with the Masonic Lodges, and then with the pre-1958 Catholic Church look depicted in the pictures at the top of this page.

Sekarang marilah kita melihat gereja Katolik zaman moden dengan lebih dekat lagi. Bermacam-macam perubahan telah dilakukan sejak Vatikan ke-II. Lihatlah gambar-gambar gereja baru. Yang jelas sekali Tabernakel di sanktuari telah dipindahkan, tidak lagi diletakkan didalam gereja. Perhatikan juga sebuah kerusi ‘Presiden’, dengan kualiti mewah, telah mengambil tempat Yesus Kristus (dalam Tabernakel). Ada gereja yang tidak ada salib langsung dimeja altari. Bandingkan keadaan ini dengan gereja sebelum Vatikan ke-II. LIhat posting Gereja RC sebelum Vatikan ke-II.

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