Sekarang cuba bayangkan susunan interior gereja Protestan. Lihat gambar diatas, ianya adalah gereja Protestan. Bukankah ianya hampir sama dengan susunan interior gereja Katolik sekarang? Cuba lihat gereja tempatan di Sabah, misalnya gereja Sacred Heart Katedral di Karamunsing, gereja Holy Nativity di Terawi, gereja Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary di Luyang dll…bandingkan dan kamu akan mula bertanya, ‘Siapa ikut siapa sebenarnya’? Jawapannya adalah: Gereja Katolik pada hari ini hampir menyerupai gereja Protestan, bukan saja dari segi susunan interiornya tetapi juga dari segi doktrin. Di Eropah, ada sesetengah gereja Protestan yang lama kelihatan sama seperti gereja Katolik. Ini adalah kerana asal-usul gereja Protestan adalah dari gereja Katolik. Semasa zaman revolusi, bapa gereja Protestan, iaitu, Martin Luther telah menyebabkan perpecahan dikalangan umat Kristian. Martin Luther menyebabkan tertubuhnya gereja baru yang membawa ajaran yang menyimpang dari ajaran Kristus sebenar.
Now, imagine the interior of a Protestant Church. Look at the picture above, it is the interior of a Protestant Church. Now see or visualize the local Catholic churches here, e.g. Cathedral of Sacred Heart at Karamunsing, The Holy Nativity Church at Terawi, the Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary at Luyang and etc…compare the interior of a Protestant church and a Catholic church, soon you will start asking, ‘Who imitates who?’. The answer is: the Catholic church today is close to becoming a Protestant church, not just the interior arrangement but also in doctrines.
In Europe, one can find some old Protestant churches, that look exactly like Catholic churches. This is because those churches used to be Catholic churches. The founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther (ex-Catholic monk), the father of heresy, during the revolution time, caused division in the Catholic church by introducing new doctrines and led many Catholic away from the True Church.
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