Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Siapakah Katolik Modenis?

Siapakah yang dikatakan sebagai Katolik Modenis? Katolik Modenis adalah umat Katolik yang berfikiran liberal yang keterlaluan. Mereka sentiasa inginkan perubahan dalam gereja dan menganggap perubahan dalam gereja adalah perlu demi mengikut arus peredaran zaman. Mereka amat mahir dalam memutar-belitkan ajaran sebenar Yesus Kristus sehingga ramai yang terpedaya (termasuk uskup, paderi, para religius, orang biasa). Para teologi modenis sering juga dijemput ke gereja untuk memberi ceramah kepada umat. Ceramah yang disampaikan oleh mereka begitu meyakinkan sekali sehingga tanpa disedari, gereja yang sepatutnya melindungi umat telah menyebabkan kelahiran 'katolik modenis' yang baru dikalangan umat yang mendengar ceramah-ceramah sedemikian. Jika 'penjangkitan' ini tidak dibendung dari awal lagi, ianya akan berjangkit kepada generasi baru dan timbul lah apa yang dikatakan oleh Yesus Kristus, 'yang buta memimpin yang buta'.

Who are the Catholic modernists? Catholic modernists are Catholics who have very liberal thinking and strive for changes within the Catholic Church, lauding that changes in the church are necessary to keep up with modern trends. These are people who like to play and twist with our Lord’s teachings. Many have been deceived (this includes bishops, priests, religious communities and also lay people). After Vatican-II, many seminaries have been revamped, their syllabuses revised and updated according to the progressivists' ideas of a perfect priesthood formation. With this new air in many seminaries, it is not surprising to see the end result - modernist Catholic theologians. These modernist theologians are frequently invited to give talks in catholic seminars. The talks given by them have influenced many Catholics who are not vigilant and are shallow in catholic foundation. Thus, Catholics become modernists without even realizing being deceived. Holy Mother Church always protects her children but because of the negligence of the leaders of of our Church, Her children have been left in the hands of wolves who are clothed in sheep’s clothing. If this ‘disease’ is not being brought out in the open, if nothing is being done in the defense of the true catholic faith, then our future generation will become heretic and this is what our Lord meant when He says, “the blind leads the blind”.

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