Thursday, August 7, 2008

Masa susah ni...

Sejak kenaikan harga minyak, yang naik secara mengejut pulak tu (Saya mare ni! sudahlah Pak Lah hampir kalah pilihanraya, dia buat hal lagi...), harga barang-barang lain turut ikut melambung naik...apakan daya rakyat Malaysia kalau gaji sebelum ni pun cukup-cukup saja, kekadang tidak cukup pulak...apalagi sekarang ni...Okay sebagai orang Katolik, jangan mudah putus asa, ada santo yang boleh bantu, namanya SANTO YOSEF, bapa angkat kepada Yesus Kristus. SANTO YOSEF adalah santo yang menolong semasa kesempitan wang. Pada masa susah inilah juga, kita berpeluang mempraktikkan kehidupan serba-serbi kekurangan dan belajar ikat-pinggang.

Doakan Novena ini 9 hari buat permintaan, diikuti pula dengan 9 hari kesyukuran. Jangan ragu-ragu bila buat novena ini.

Since the increase in the price of fuel, which shocked many Malaysian (I am annoyed and angry, Pak Lah who won by a landslide in the recent election, has once again proven his ignorance of the peoples’ plight in Malaysia…), then this was followed by the increase of price in almost all other goods and services…how can the people cope with this! Before this the salaries of many Malaysian are just enough to live by the month…sometimes even have to struggle…Anyway as Catholics, we have help. He is St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus Christ. He is known as the saint who helps when one is in financial needs. Now is also the best time to practice frugality.

Have confidence in this gentlest saint. Make a novena of 9 days petition and 9 days of thanksgiving.

O Glorious St. Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, to thee do I raise my heart and my hands, to implore thy powerful intercession in obtaining from the benign Heart of Jesus all the helps and graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special favour I now implore (state your petition) O Guardian of the Word Incarnate, we have confidence that thy prayers on our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen.
(Then say the following 7 times in honour of the 7 sorrows of St. Joseph)
O Glorious St. Joseph! Through thy love for Jesus Christ and for the glory of His Name, Hear my prayer and obtain my petition. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Assist us!

1 comment:

Avanus said...

St. Joseph has never disappointed me. He has helped me in many impossible situations...