Thursday, January 15, 2009

What is the last warning?

Of all the warnings given by Our Lady at Fatima, only one remains, only one has not befallen mankind: "Several entire nations will be annihilated." In 1939, Our Lord used the same word in speaking to Sr. Lucia, "the time is coming when the rigour of My justice will punish the crimes of various nations. Some of them will be annihilated."

Apakah amaran terakhir?

Dalam semua amaran-amaran yang disampaikan oleh Bunda Fatima, cuma satu sahaja yang belum dipenuhi iaitu, "beberapa benua di mukabumi akan dimusnahkan." Pada tahun 1939, Tuhan Yesus Kristus menggunakan kata-kata yang sama kepada Sr. Lucia, "masanya akan sampai apabila kemurkaan Saya akan menghukum jenayah manusia dimukabumi. Ada diantaranya akan dimusnahkan."


Anonymous said...

this is a dramatic and important statement, and deserves the use of video to make the point.

I think if you learn how to do video you will atttract much more attention, its easy!

Avanus said...

Thank you Frank. Your advise is noted. Will make effort to do just that. God bless you.